Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Library Research Assistance- Group 1

Research online is very important in studying at college level. It helps students know a lot of information which relative with any topic in class. This guideline helps students "how to learn resources and technology services" on the library website. This has seven guidelines from http://lrts.stcloudstate.edu/library/documents/LocatingScholarlyArticles.pdf
  1. This is explain what is a Scholarly Article: "A scholarly article is published in an academic journal, rather than in a popular magazine." Many professors at the college require students use scholarly article like sources when writing a research paper.
  2. Know about how to search for articles in databases. Go this website  http://lrts.stcloudstate.edu/library/default.asp.  This website helps us search a topic area as acounting, business (international), http://research.stcloudstate.edu/rqs.phtml?subject_id=17
  3. Know how to get the article electronically: After reviewing the citation click on the PDF, HTML, or FULL TEXT link.If a full text is not avaliable, click on the "Find It!" button and the new page will provide links to related full texts if they are avaliable.
  4. Know how to write down the citation information : "Article Title." Author. Journal Title. Date. Volume, Number (issue), Pages.
  5. Journal and newspaper availability. Go this website http://lrts.stcloudstate.edu/library/default.asp, click on http://stcloudstate.liblink.umn.edu/stcloudstate/az,
    If your title is listed, click on the link and determine the
    search by title or key words. If the title is not listed, please go to  guideline 7.
  6. Know about location in Miller Center.
          "Current Periodicals (1st Floor West)

           Alphabetical by title

Most titles have 2 years on the shelf

Bound (Basement West) Alphabetical by titleRight side of the floor, second aisle. 
Microfiche (1st Floor West, gray cabinets) Alphabetical by title Starts on furthest cabinet to the right.
Microfilm (1st Floor West, gray cabinets) Alphabetical by title Located in cabinets by microfiche.
Electronic Holdings Use the "Find it" button when available (see step 5 above)"      
     7. "How to get an article that the library doesn’t have" go this website http://lrts.stcloudstate.edu/library/services/illrequest.asp

Other group members' work

Hashmi, Moizuddin
Hussain, Asif
Mingo, Sam A
Louks, Kyle

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